B.S. 工商管理 刑事司法专业

随着网络攻击的猖獗增长, 欺诈, 以及对供应链和知识产权的威胁, strengthening corporate security and mitigating risk is critical to all business entities. 如此如此, 这就是风险管理, 业务连续性计划, 在大多数公司,企业安全部门现在已经获得了高级管理层的地位.


并不是所有的坏人都在街上游荡. 他们中的许多人在室内工作, plying their “trade” in cyber crime and a host of devastatingly destructive financial crimes. 想要帮助抵御他们的攻击? 用我们的B进攻.S. 工商管理 with a concentration in Criminal Justice — and prepare to manage the security forces, cybersecurity professionals and other experts who stay one-step ahead of 欺诈sters and other white-collar criminals. 想象一下,帮助抓捕他们会给你带来多大的满足感.

You’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to direct such operations through a program that provides a powerful combination of human resource and financial management expertise, 市场营销和商业策略, 以及刑事司法专业所固有的关键能力. 这将使你成为一股不可忽视的力量.

A partnership between two colleges brings you the best of both fields — business management and criminal justice

大学的亨利·C. 李刑事司法与法医学学院 were instrumental in helping to design the program, 他们会教授你们所有的刑事司法必修课程. You will benefit from their real-world criminal justice experience and absorb their first-hand knowledge of white collar criminals at the same time you are learning how to manage a company’s internal 欺诈 investigators, 风险缓冲因素, 以及其他保护企业安全的人员, strong, 和稳定的.

Just doing it — the high-impact practical experience that gives you professional polish before you graduate

作为项目的一部分, 你将在第一年写一份创业计划. 大四的时候, 你将被分配到一个咨询项目, where you will work to solve a real business problem for a company whose employees will interact directly with you.

You will also complete at least one internship and attend the many functions that the College sponsors. These will be your opportunities to network with alumni and established professionals and start relationships that can lead to your first position. Such 网络 can evolve into the stepping-stones that lead to the other positions that will advance your career as the years pass.

你有独立的个性吗? 这种技能对企业家来说是理想的.

Those who can offer a combination of management and marketing expertise and a firm grasp of criminal justice processes are highly desirable prospective employees for private-sector companies as well as for the government — many federal agencies need people with business skills in accounting, 金融, 以及与刑事司法知识相结合的策略. 你的就业选择是众多而广泛的.

But striking out on your own and starting your own company can lead to the most rewarding career of all. An increasing number of independent private-sector security firms are providing criminal justice-oriented services to both private and public organizations.


Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.

  • Learn about key functional areas associated with how firms manage their most valuable asset: their human resources. Topical areas include: Recruitment and Selection; Manpower Planning/Forecasting, 培训及发展, 补偿, 以及员工和劳资关系.

  • This course provides a framework for 学生 to understand the decision-making processes, 以及相关的策略, 紧随其后的是企业家或创业公司. The course will introduce 学生 to business fundamentals while they synthesize information from multiple sources to solve a business problem or opportunity.

  • This course provides an examination of how organizations exercise business strategy to achieve competitive advantage. Students will make use of analytic frameworks that enable firms to think critically about how to best achieve organizational goals. Case studies, simulations, and live client examples are key elements to this capstone experience.

  • 本课程提供刑事司法系统的概览, 重点是起诉, 修正, 以及社会对罪犯的反应.

  • 现场刑事调查入门. 本课程涵盖:进行犯罪现场搜索, 采访证人, 讯问嫌疑人, 监测方法, 以及在特定类型的调查中使用的特殊技术.

  • 这是一门高级白领犯罪调查课程. Students will focus on the history, philosophy, evolution, and types of white-collar crimes. This course will examine the various types of white-collar offenses and explore how and why such crimes are committed.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our 学生. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing the 刑事司法专业 of the Bachelor of Science 工商管理, 查看学术目录:

    企业管理专业B级.S. -刑事司法专业


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 学生 have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.



AACSB accreditation means that our 庞培商学院 has passed a rigorous set of standards. 教师, 学生, programs and research have been closely examined and judged to be of exceptionally high standards.




  • 入学要求

    不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, 我们为来自美国国内的本科生提供全职和兼职的机会.S. 和国外. 录取过程可以在你高中三年级结束时开始.


  • 经济援助机会

    我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate 学生 receive some form of financial assistance.
