Students walking near Nicholson 健康 Center

国际学生 健康 Requirements

欢迎来到网赌上分平台. 的 大学学生健康中心, powered by Yale New Haven 健康, is one of many free services available to students. Please know that we are here to help you be healthy and successful while you are a student here. To help you prepare for arrival we provide this important information:


Universities in the United States are required to secure documents 从 all full-time students. 另外, the state of Connecticut requires all universities to maintain certain health standards. 电流 健康史表格 应填妥并提交 大学健康中心 prior to course registration and to be cleared for campus housing.

的 information provided on the form remains confidential to the 大学健康中心.


  • 有效的MMR注射(麻疹), 流行性腮腺炎, Rubella) two injections are required or blood test proving immunity. Injections given before first birthday or prior to January 1, 1969 are not valid.
  • Varicella (chickenpox) two doses of vaccine or history of disease with date or titre (blood test) proving immunity. Forms can be mailed or faxed to health services. We are unable to receive scanned emailed forms.
  • 脑膜炎(mcv4血清A组), C, Y and w135) vaccination is required for all student who plan on living in university owned housing. This injection must be given within the past 5 years.
  • Tuberculosis (TB) screening form: If you answer yes to any questions, a PPD or QuantiFERON TB gold test is required within 12 months of enrollment. 的 majority of international students will require a TB test.

Please submit all of these completed medical forms to us by US Mail or through MyChart. Make sure to keep a copy for your own records and bring it with you to the USA. Remember we must receive completed forms before you can move into campus housing, and before you can register for your courses.

More information and instructions about required forms can be found on our 表单页面.


除了必要的体检, we recommend international students take care of the following things before traveling to the U.S. because certain procedures are not covered under most insurance plans in the U.S:

  • Get a dental check up and get any needed work done
  • Have an eye exam, and if needed, get new lenses. Bring your prescription with you in case you unexpectedly need to replace lenses.
  • Refill your prescriptions and if you need to refill it again in the U.S. 带上医生的处方.

A 填妥的健康史表格 is required for all international students.


美国.S. 医疗保健系统可能很复杂. 的re are no public health options for international students. International students cannot access healthcare without having a private health insurance policy. Please ensure that you receive all the required vaccines 从 your physician to avoid unnecessary expenses upon entering the U.S. 的 following video briefly explains the U.S healthcare system and why an adequate health insurance policy is necessary.

网赌上分平台 学生健康保险 Plan

All full-time graduate and undergraduate international students are required to have University health insurance. International students may not submit an online waiver. 的 exception to this policy would be for students who are sponsored by their government, 比如SACM, and the sponsor has demonstrated that sufficient health coverage is already provided to the students. 美国niversity insurance plan is United 健康care. 点击这里 for information regarding the coverage provided by the University insurance plan.

J-1 研究 Scholars must purchase insurance for themselves and their family members to meet the standards dictated by the U.S. Department of State Exchange 访问or Program. 点击这里 了解更多信息.


对于刚到美国的国际学生来说.S., here are some tips on how to find health care:
