理学士 网络威胁情报和金融犯罪调查

Ours is the only comprehensive degree on cyber threat intelligence and 金融犯罪 in the world with a linkage to a functioning Financial & 网络犯罪中心. This offers tremendous opportunities to students in terms of real-world experience and collaboration with professional cyber-crime specialists.


We are all familiar with the weapons that cyber criminals use to compromise systems — trojans, 病毒, 蠕虫, 网络钓鱼, ransomware, 间谍软件, formjacking of online payment forms … the list is endless and is limited only by the inventive capacity of the criminal mind. 每一种武器都会给零售商和消费者带来财务上的影响, not just in the buying and selling of goods and services but in intellectual property rights, 市场交易, 自动结算所系统, 以及其他可能造成大规模破坏的地区.

凶手? 他们可以是未知的外部方,也可以是组织内受信任的用户.

网赌上分平台的B.S. in 网络威胁、情报和金融犯罪 is an intensive investigation of the volatile place where cyber threat intelligence meets financial crime. It puts you at the precise vantage point for understanding how cyber threat intelligence data can manifest in a spectrum of 金融犯罪 — and how to collect, 分析, 并利用数据来避免这些犯罪.

我们的课程让您沉浸在分析学的研究中, 批判性思维, 应用方法以及团队合作的纪律. Depending on your career goals, you can specialize in investigation tracks that include:

  • 有组织犯罪
  • 运动的完整性
  • 金融情报
  • 贩运人口
  • 卫生保健欺诈

到节目结束的时候, you will have an enviable skill set that you can present to potential employers in cyber and financial intelligence units in both public and private sectors. 你的技能包括:

  • 财务信息分析
  • 网络情报分析
  • 在跨学科的环境中工作
  • Identifying threats within a community or organization and establishing information-sharing strategies
  • 根据调查结果展开调查
  • 解释影响调查策略的法律原则

We offer the program in both a hybrid format — in which students attend in-person classes for their core curriculum and online classes for this degree’s core requirements — as well as a Fully Online format for students residing in all areas of the U.S.

The hybrid format allows students greater flexibility for internships as well as the opportunity for first-hand experience at our on-campus Cyber & 金融犯罪融合中心.

与我们的金融专业人士一起学习 & 网络犯罪中心

我们的项目与《网赌上分平台》保持一致 & 网络犯罪中心位于我们的奥兰治校区. There are no other programs like ours in the world that have this close linkage to a functioning center specializing in cyber and 金融犯罪.

该中心对混合项目的学生来说是一个巨大的好处, who will have the chance to see real-world professionals in action and even collaborate with them on projects. That experience will jump out on your résumé and speak volumes to potential employers.

让它成为你进入市场的直接入口.S. 学位

我们提供4 + 1速成课程,让你获得B级.S. 和M.S. 五年内,直接进入M.S. 网络威胁情报和金融犯罪调查.


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 信息安全分析师的平均工资是102美元,600, 预计该行业在2021年至2031年间将增长35%. 让你对你可以从事的其他职业有个想法, 以下是Indeed网站上发布的一些职位名称和薪水, 世界第一的求职网站.







  • 洗钱的基础

    This course engages students in researching and identifying current trends in money laundering, 用来揭露洗钱活动的侦查方法, 确定预防措施. 学生将接触到国际上的洗钱问题, 以及恐怖组织日益增加的存在, 有组织犯罪, 还有贩毒集团的洗钱活动.

  • 智能分析基础

    This course introduces students to intelligence analysis as applied in the cyber threat & 金融犯罪背景. The course focuses on the application of analytical software tools and analytical techniques specific to the development of investigative strategies. Students completing this course will have an understanding of analytical techniques and software used by the agencies to combat cyber threats & 金融犯罪.

  • 数字取证基础

    学生将区分不同类型的网络犯罪, 如何进行调查, 检索和分析数字证据的过程, 网络取证, 以及与电子证据相关的法律. Ideal for students in legal courses who are seeking an introduction to the technology involved in computer forensics investigations and the technical and legal difficulties involved in searching, 提取, 维护, and storing electronic evidence while simultaneously looking at the legal implications of such investigations and the rules of legal procedure relevant to electronic evidence.

  • 身份盗窃调查

    本课程探讨身份盗窃调查, 特别关注合成身份, 信用卡诈骗, 和stolen-identity, 退税诈骗. 研究欺诈是如何实施的, 罪犯如何清洗他们的犯罪所得, 以及肇事者从哪里以及如何获得泄露的信息. 将分析当前的案例研究.

  • 加密资产调查

    This course introduces students to blockchain assets (digital currencies and other fungible items), 加密市场系统, 监管环境, 以及与加密资产调查相关的平台.

  • 暗网调查

    Investigate criminal offenses through the use of the Dark Web and law enforcement efforts to combat those offenses. The course will focus on effective research methods to explore a criminal investigation of offenses with the Dark Web. 学生将写搜索 & Arrest warrants based on mock investigations that are presented for the student to examine. 暗网上的跨国和有组织犯罪活动也将被探讨.

  • Full List of Courses and Learning Outcomes for 网络威胁情报和金融犯罪调查

    The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a master’s degree in Information Science, 查看学术目录:



Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.




  • 入学要求

    不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, 我们为来自美国国内的本科生提供全职和兼职的机会.S. 和国外. 录取过程可以在你高中三年级结束时开始.


  • 经济援助机会

    我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
