文学士 国际事务中

"Participating in the International Diplomacy Forum has empowered me to take a more universal, 文化敏感, 以及在思考世界问题时的适应性视角,21岁的Keyri Ambrocio说. “这段经历让我更全面,更有文化能力."


通过这个跨学科的专业, 你将学习政治学课程, 经济学, 国家安全, 法律研究, 和历史, 学习冲突, 发展, 和外交. 你将研究国际冲突的解决方案, the role of inequality as a cause of conflict – and a critical component of its resolution – and explore post-conflict peace-making. You’ll do all this while learning from professors who have extensive international experience.

  • 探索 post-conflict reconstruction, foreign policy, and the international political economy
  • Focus your studies on regions of rapid social change and economic 发展
  • 研究可持续的社会政治制度的必要性
  • Participate in high-impact activities such as the University’s award-winning 模拟联合国 team
  • Develop communication, leadership, and organization skills and resiliency
  • Pursue the federal government’s benchmark foreign language competency exam (ACTFL)

You will have the chance to apply what you learn by completing at least two internships and studying abroad. As a result of your classroom learning, capstone project, and internship experiences in the U.S. 还是在国外, you will be positioned to work with national governments and international governmental organizations, or to engage in further graduate study in top-tier programs worldwide.

One of the goals of this program is to help students develop a comfort level with international travel and participate in cross-cultural experiences. Students with international experiences are twice as likely to be employed within six months of graduating because employers seek employees who are comfortable traveling and working abroad.


The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. 点击此处查看报告全文.










  • Preferred preparation in American Government or International Relations. Traditional and modern approaches to international law and organization; major emphasis on the contribution of law and organization to the establishment of a world of law and world peace. The League of Nations system and the United Nations system are analyzed.

  • The course is an introduction to the politics of state-to-state economic relations. 政治经济, 顾名思义, 是政治与经济的联姻吗, and as such is a multi-faceted discipline incorporating the study of 经济学, 政治科学, 社会学, 法律与地理. 在本课程中, 然而, 我们将重点关注国与国之间的大规模贸易, 欧盟等主要经济联盟的政治, 像北美自由贸易协定和跨太平洋伙伴关系这样的大规模区域贸易协定, 以及世界银行和国际货币基金组织等全球体系的关键机构. In doing so we will focus on the role these systems play in the global political economy and analyze its future in the context of historical and current debates about optimal economic policies for different political constituencies.

  • 本课程的学生将研究根本原因, 模式, 以及政治冲突的结果, 解决冲突的方法, the role of international organizations and major powers in conflict resolution, 执法及预防方法, 还有谈判和缔造和平的技巧. The following questions will be addressed: Why can some conflicts be managed in a peaceful way, 而另一些则以暴力告终?

    冲突的起源、阶段和原因是什么? 文化背景起了什么作用, 国家, 军事, 经济, 性别秩序、种族和民族主义在冲突中发挥作用? 我们怎样才能把对手拉到谈判桌前? 解决冲突时使用的调解策略是什么? And how in the aftermath of a conflict, can peace be made sustainable?

  • 关于联合国系统形成的研究, 起草《联合国宪章, 主要器官的功能, evolution of the role and structure of the organization from 1945 to present day, 以及它对国际关系和冲突解决的影响.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in 国际事务中, 查看学术目录:



Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.




  • Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. 和国外. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.


  • 我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
