理学士 法医科学

"The 网赌上分平台 just had everything I was looking for: the small classes, 专业, 最先进的设施, 以及动手学习的机会,18岁的亚历山德拉·戈里乌诺娃说. “没有理由去找别的地方."


作为网赌上分平台法医学专业的学生, you will learn to use science and technology to uncover evidence that can "testify" in court and impact criminal or civil cases. You will sharpen your powers of observation and learn how to identify and interpret such evidence in one of the most respected forensic science programs in the country, a program enthusiastically endorsed by the 法医科学 Education Programs 认证 Commission (FEPAC).

并且,你将有机会在世界著名的亨利C. 李法医研究所. This state-of-the-art center – named after the legendary investigator – features working crime-scene labs and high-tech visual displays, 并作为全球执法机构的首选资源.


为法医学专业学生从事法医学职业做好充分准备, 自然科学, 以及刑事司法专业, 以及研究生教育或培训的机会.


The Bachelor of Science in 法医科学 degree offered at the 网赌上分平台 is an academically rigorous program, focusing heavily on the 自然科学 and including a curriculum that addresses various aspects of the criminal justice system and professional practices associated with careers in forensic science.

  1. Students will be able to evaluate basic scientific principles to address problems encountered by forensic scientists.
  2. Students will be able to successfully carry out various forensic laboratory examinations and evaluate the range and limitations of these techniques.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to perform forensic analyses or related research in realistic situations.
  4. 学生将了解法律程序, 证据规则, and the ethical and professional duties and responsibilities of the forensic scientist.

网赌上分平台为你的成功做着独特的准备. 点击这里 看看法医学专业学生的成果.

给所有感兴趣的申请人的重要提示: "Those seeking careers in this field should be aware that background checks similar to those required for law enforcement officers are likely to be a condition of employment."

- Education and Training in 法医科学: A Guide for 法医科学 Laboratories, 教育机构, 和学生, 第7页.

  • 学会解读实物证据, 提供客观的见解, 并精通复杂的法医学
  • Use the latest crime-solving resources and equipment while staying up-to-date on continuously changing developments and techniques
  • 在美国各地的互动实习项目中工作.S. 或从事教师指导的研究项目
  • Develop an uncommon degree of dedication and tenacity as they become part of a legacy started by famed investigator Dr. 亨利·C. 40年前的李


Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.



The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. 点击此处查看报告全文.










  • Introduction to basic techniques, material, and other aspects of crime scene photographs. 摄影影像形成与记录的理论与实践. 以凶杀为重点的实验室练习, 性犯罪, 纵火, 事故摄影技术.

  • 科学的犯罪现场勘查方法与技术研究, 记录和识别物证, 集合, 犯罪现场重建.

  • The theory and techniques of optical microscopy required to use the microscope for evidence detection, 分析, 和评估. Microscopical methods of 分析 and polarized light microscopy will be covered in lecture and laboratory.

  • 深入研究现代犯罪学的几个主题, 包括头发和纤维的分析和比较, 纵火助燃剂和爆炸残留物, 玻璃的比较, 法医化学.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in 法医科学, 查看学术目录:



Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 students have 访问 to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.




  • 不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. 和国外. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.


  • 我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
